Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Time For A Break! - originally posted May 10, 2014

I am so glad I am finished with school until August 21.  I took my Accounting final Wed.  Out of the 5 classes I took  this semester, Accounting was the one I was most worried about.  It turned out that I liked the class, and I did well throughout, but, after crunching numbers for hours on end at times, they all start to merge together.  It can give you quite a headache!  Anyway, I was jonesin' for an A, 'cause that's just how I roll, but, I was getting really nervous.  I had to miss two classes, and let me tell you, it is a pain in the ass to get caught up!  I did, though, for the most part, but, I was getting too close to a B for my comfort, and I was really stressing about getting the last assignment finished, which was part of the final.  I goofed up, thought part of it was going to be completed in class, (I was WRONG!), lost points, which got me even closer to dropping to a B, but, I aced the in-class final, and got my A. Yay!  I know I have A's in 3 of my other classes, and I think I have one in the 5th class, but, I won't know for sure until Monday, and the suspense is KILLING ME!

I had a weight management appointment Wednesday.  I've lost 4 more pounds, which puts my total weight loss at 20 lbs in 2 months.  I must admit that I am really disappointed.  I can do much better.  I've been working hard at it, keeping track of what I eat, staying more active, HOWEVER, I have had a very stressful month, at least for the last two weeks of it.  2 funerals and finishing up the semester have made me grouchy, so, to add to it, I've been snippy and pissy with Kevin, and the kids have gotten on my nerves more easily, blah blah blah. You get the point.  I'm also more forgetful when I'm stressed, so, I have forgotten to take my medicine, including my appetite suppressant, and therefore I have wanted to eat more.  It's a vicious cycle.  :-S  I don't have to worry about school for 3 1/2 months, and no one else is allowed to die, so, I should be ok from here on out.  And, at least it was a weight LOSS, right?

I've been slacking some on housework the last two weeks, as well.  This was intentional, though.  I wanted to concentrate more on wrapping things up with school, so, it took higher priority.  I've not got a disaster area, though.  A couple baskets of laundry to fold, some surfaces to clear off, and some tidying up here and there, and I'll be back on course.  No way in hell am I going down that slippery slope.  It took to much time and effort to get my house into some sort of order to have to do it all over again!  I did get the lawn mowed Thursday.  OMG, it sucked.  My front yard wasn't bad, because I've been keeping it up, but, my backyard was AWFUL!  I must admit that until then, I hadn't mowed it at all.  And, my yard is not small, especially not for a yard in town.  Poor little Zoe... Some of the grass had grown so tall it was as high as her chest, but, she insisted on helping Mommy clean the yard up so I could mow.  I didn't lose her, though!  I tied a bell about her neck, so she was good!  :-D  She was not very happy that she had to go inside when I started mowing, though, (Nick watched her, which she was not happy about, either).  Everytime she heard that mower stop, she found an excuse to come outside.  Anyway, it took me 1 1/2 hours to mow the whole yard, and damn, I was feeling it the next day!.  I actually like doing it, though; I can put on some music and have time to myself.  And, it counts towards my exercise goal!  Bonus!

One last thing, then I'll shut up, er, stop typing...  My intentions are to make a blog post about once a week, however, there are times when I just really need to vent some frustration, and I had one of those moments last week, actually, the day after my first post.  My step-kids were over, which brought my kid count to 4 for the weekend, and by god if the oldest 3 weren't being a royal pain in my ass, all day.  After they had all settled down for the night, I hopped on to the computer to type up a post; it took like 2 1/2 hours, (those children had given me hell that day!).  I FINALLY had finished it, Clicked "Ok", forgot that I wanted to add an image, and somehow, between points A and B, DELETED THE ENTIRE POST! Everything, all gone.  Clicking "Ok" does not a file save!  I knew this, I just don't know for certain what I had done to make it go bye-bye, but, if you had heard the, "Aw, son of a bitch!", that came out of my mouth, you would have known that there had been an operator error, and I was pissed.  Lessons learned: 1) I will not click "Ok" again, until I know that I have added everything. 2) I won't go back in to edit unless I have saved first.  3) I will add my image(s) first!

I hope everyone has a good week, and happy Mother's day to all you mom's, especially mine.

Alicia :-)

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