Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A Boring Day With Not-So-Boring Children

So, I've graduated (Yay!).  Now that it's done and over with, the excitement has gone.  Oh well.  What the fuck am I going to do now?  I know what I'm going to do, albeit begrudgingly.  I have to go back to being a full-time housewife. *sigh*  It's only for the summer, but damn, summers seem to last forever around here!

Now, I could get a job with those shiny new degrees I've got, but, I really just want to focus on school, and Kevin thinks that's a terrific idea.  So, here I am...

The first day of the first week of no school went like this:

I got up at 7 (:40) am, to get Zoe off to school.  Then I went back to sleep found something productive to do till she got home.

Then I trolled Facebook (e.i. my mom).

After Zoe got home, we went through her papers (no homework, yay!), and she launched into one of her Zoe-isms.  My daughter is a silly one... she has a new favorite color, dolly, surprise every day.  Today, I got TWO surprises!

The first one was today's nickname.  I have called Zoe "Peanut" since she was a baby.  Her daddy calls her Lunch Box.  So, as I was talking to her, I called her by Peanut.  "Mom," she says, "Today, I will only answer to Lunch Box!"  What the hell! "What's wrong with Peanut," I ask?  "On days when I can eat everything in the whole wide world, I am Lunch Box! And, today, I am really, really HUNGRY!"  Ok, Lunch Box it is.  

The next surprise came a couple hours later.  I was sitting in the living room, reading a book.  In walks LUNCH BOX, wearing a purple skirt with a toy fireman's badge pinned to it, my graduation cap... And that was it.  I bust out laughing.  "Zoe, what in the hell are you wearing?!"  She just gave me her special Zoe grin and said, "Don't I look cute?"  I didn't take a picture of it (I should have) But, it reminded me of another special Zoe outfit

"I'm a Hula Girl!"
This one is much better than when she put on a pair of Aunt Jenn's underwear to use as a one-piece swimming suit...

The excitement doesn't stop there, though.  Oh no!  I got a bonus round!

Right before supper, it started raining.  This was one of those rains that where the sun is still shining, and if you're lucky, you can see a rainbow.  It completely dumbfounded Nicholas.

Nick: What the hell, Mom, it's raining!

Me: Yes, Nick, I see that.

Nick:  But, THE SUN IS OUT!

Me: Yup, it will do that every now and then...

I know I used this earlier on FB, but it's funny, damn it!
Amongst all this, I also managed to bleach the dish rack (and my shirt), fix supper, clean the sink, wash the dishes, and wash two loads of laundry. Not to shabby, (though it makes for a pretty boring blog post ). 

I wonder what material my children will provide  for my next post...

Alicia :-)

PS - Is it wrong of me to have envisioned a 21 year old Zoe in a girly fireman's costume, dancing around a poll?  *shudder*

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Graduirthday and Wookies!

Happy Graduirth Day to me!
I have started to write a new entry twice now, TWICE, to no avail!  Every time I sit down to do so, I get distrac...  See, I got distracted just now.  I spent the last few minutes creating the image for this post, instead of waiting until I was finished.  I'm as bad as a... Oh, look, SHINY!  See what I mean?!


So, my birthday is coming up (34, in case you were wondering), as is graduation.  No big plans for either, though, I'm super excited to be graduating.  Phi Theta Kappa honors, Baby!  Woot woot!!  I'm starting my bachelor's program in the fall.  I've decided to go into Healthcare Management, to become an administrator.  I'll be damned good at it, too.  I don't know a bitch as bossy as me!!!

I'm trying to decide if I want to work while I'm finishing my degree.  It's been kind of nice just concentrating on the kids and school, but I'm getting bored just sitting around, and I feel that the summer is going to be a long one...  A little extra money never hurts, either!

 Well, I think I'm done.  Before I go, I gotta show you a shirt that I ordered!

Who wouldn't love a wookie?

I can't wait for it to come in!!!

Alicia :-)